Unique Solutions related to Business Excellence from EBS Group

PRLog (Press Release) - Aug 30, 2011 - We (Exemplary Business Solutions-EBS) are in the business of providing strategic solutions to companies that are looking to effectively address their business issues.

We are pleased to introduce EBS as an entity that is actively engaged in helping organizations to

1.Compete and prepare to face today's global challenges. 2.Deliver enhanced value to stakeholders and become more profitable. 3.Deploy and sustain best practices during ups and downs in the bu corsa siness environment. 4.Define & implement customized solutions that precisely target various problem areas within your organization. 5.Translate your vision and objectives into actionable tasks that deliver desired results. 6.Eliminate waste and realize maximum cost savi car news ngs.

With ever increasing competition in today's business environment, every company is continually seeking opportunities to improve its results. The EBS approach provides for all sizes and types of companies a valuable framework that can help assess and measure performance on a wide range of key business indicators: customer, product and service, operational, human resource, and financial.  Our deployment mechanism, which is truly our hallmark, can also help you align resources; improve communication, productivity, and effectiveness; and achieve strategic goals.

The EBS approach to strategic consulting and business advisory services is based on probing into the following areas-

1.Organizational Leadership; Strategy Development; Goals & Strategy Deployment. 2.Customer  Focus & Market Knowledge. 3.Organizational Processes. 4.Employee Education, Training, and Development; Employee Well-Being alfa romeo . 5.Measurement of Organizational Performance & Analyses of Organizational Performance. 6.Supplier and Partnering Processes. 7.Entire gamut of Business Results.

Achieving the highest levels of performance requires a well-executed approach to continuous improvement and learning. Team EBS has established and maintained an excellent track record in years past by working collaboratively with organizations like yours' in achieving incremental as well as breakthrough improvements. We are now extremely well poised to propel organizations to make the journey from "good to great" with the enhanced competencies and capabilities that we have assembled. We believe that pursuit of market leadership requires a strong future orientation and a willingness to make long term commitments to key stakeholders. As your organization reaches out and seeks to usurp these opportunities, we strongly believe that EBS can effectively feature as your strategic partner, thereby enhancing overall capability.

For organizations ready to take the challenge, we will perform a thorough assessment or closely facilitate a self-assessment to help identify strengths and to target opportunities for improvement on processes and results affecting all chevrolet key stakeholders - including customers, employees, suppliers, owners, and the public.

EBS group got four divisions :-

A)  Strategic Consulting Wing of EBS Group .

Few of the Unique solutions launched under Strategic Division are :-

1.Establishing and Deployment of Business Quality Architecture - It's a integrated business model with best in class practices incorporated to achieve Strategic business Goals.  2.Establishment of Cost of Business Quality3.Strategic solutions to optimize the inventory,capacity to meet Customer demand (we provide our software also along with this solutions 4.Establishment of Design Quality Architecture for design excellence 5.Establishment of Quality architecture for Learning and Development 6.Establishment of Quality Architecture for Dealer management /service management 7.Establishment of Customer Centric organization keeping the Profitability targets of 8.Strategic business Plan -- Unique methodology of EBS group  

B) Quality Consulting Wing of EBS Group.

We are providing a brief synopsis of what EBS can offer for our clients to effectively strengthen Quality journey.

One of the major issues faced by business leaders today, is making people accountable for Quality and through which achieving organizational objectives. This is due to the fact that most of the employees are accountable for productions numbers and are rarely engaged as team in the quality and process improvements to achieve consistent Quality & customer satisfaction. To meet this continuous Challenge we have defined few unique solutions for all business sectors .

Few of our new launches planned during Jan2011 is defined below:-

1. Mission Gemba - SPS with SPC (Systematic problem solving using SPC)2. Strategic deployment of core tools 3. Training on how to Integrated Core Tools (QFD, DFMEA, PFMEA , SPC,MSA & 8D)- Done only by EBS in India .4. Deployment of Cost of Quality 5.The Deployment Oriented integrated training module on Core tools for business excellence  

C) SCM optimisation and Software Division of  EBS Group--  We can support for optimizing the Inventory and capacity utilization for each plant in-line with Customer requirements -- We provide our software also as part of this Strategic Solution -- You can take this a one of the major Six Sigma Project -- Every organisation is having this problem meeting customer demand on time with various constraints on hand  .Details Attached for your perusal.

D) E- Learning Division of EBS Group -- Support organisation to create a Effective Knowledge management . Our focus is to create a unique customised E learning modules for Product, Process and Quality Systems . We support companies to even make customised package for induction training and on the job training on various topics.

Look forward to hearing from you at the earliest for any of our support for making your organisation more profitable.  With Warm Regards,

Anil MenonPartner Incharge,Chief Operating Officer & Principal CounsellorExemplary Business Solutions Pvt Ltd+91 9600096070 ,+91 9444050591

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