Canadian Inventor Offers Patented Energy Breakthrough to Fight Climate Change


In a surprise development today, Canadian Inventor Thane Heins, owner and CEO of Potential Difference, Inc., offers free and universal licensing of his patented breakthroughs in power generation and battery recharging. Scheduled to demonstrate his invention to auto execs next week in Detroit, Heins believes the benefits his innovations offer electric, hybrid electric, or combustion vehicles are too crucial to the environment to be delayed through competitive interests.

Says Heins, "Earth and mankind need clean and sustainable energy solutions now, not in twenty, forty, or sixty years. For this reason I'm freely offering my life's work."

An independent test of a Heins' innovation conducted at the University of Ottawa required just forty percent (40%) of normal energy input to double generator output (200%). In addition to causing gener cadillac ators and bmw transformers to increase power output while requiring substantially less gas, diesel, or input power, Heins' discoveries could facilitate [motive] battery recharging while electric vehicles are under power.

Combined, these benefits could offer striking potentials for extending the range and practicality of electric and hybrid-electric vehicles. The present state-of-the-art restricts EV recharging to downhill or coasting operations. Continuous recharging could also negate the current need for electric cars to recharge periodically through commercial power produced by nuclear energy or burning coal. rc helicopter and car market place 3;

While extending his offer to industry contacts, Heins explained his reasons by quoting Albert Einstein: "We shall all require a new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive."

Heins' innovations utilize an electromagnetic effect (called "Back EMF") than normally restricts armature rotation in motors and generators. Instead, Heins redirects this energy to cause armatures to accelerate while inducing 531276856  high-efficiency power output. In viewing a demonstration of this phenomenon given by Heins, M.I.T. Professor of Electrical Engineering Markus Zahn said, "It's an unusual phenomena I wouldn't have expected in advance. But I saw it. It's real. Now I am just trying to figure it out."

For further inform car news ation or additional sources, please contact:

Thane C. Heins President 613.795.1602 (cell)

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