PRLog (Press Release) - Sep 02, 2011 - Early estimates of damages left by Hurricane Irene are between $2 billion and $7 billion dollars, the Los Angeles Times reported last night. Barack Obama warned Monday that the damage from Hurricane Irene will be felt for some tim
cadillac e. Speaking from the Rose Garden he said, "This is not over. The effects are still being felt across much of the country."
Cathryn Taylor, author of the bestselling Inner Child Workbook, states that the consequences resulting from the emotional aftermath of Hurricane Irene, like Katrina, will far outweigh even the dollar figure of damage. "When unpredictable eruptions of mother nature - such as the destruction of hurricanes in the East co-mingle with the stress most of us experience in our daily pursuits, we end up feeling overwhelmed, afraid -- out of control and full of despair," the author said in an interview this morning. "This coupled with the most recent economic challenges have brought an even more pervasive sense of worry into our hearts, minds and souls.
How do we cope? How do we deal with this mass grief as it weaves with our personal grief? Taylor srtates, "We don't. We are a society in mourning with few adult tools to grieve. These recent events, combined with the stresses of day-to-day life, have thrown most of us into the aftermath of confusion and fear - struggling with an underlying anxiety that erupts in our living rooms, in the workplace, on the freeways and in every area of our lives.
"Yet," suggests corsa Taylor, "Tragedies - personal and global alike - can ignite a determination in us to break out of our shell and move beyond our immediate response of confusion and fear. Most just need a map on how to do so."
Taylor's Inner Child Workbook, originally published by Jeremy Tarcher, Inc. in 1991, is now celebrating its 20th year in publication and its 37th printing. One of five books published in the early 1990's which popularized the concept of the inner child, Taylor says it was the launching pad for her own creativity. She continued to evolve this concept in four more self-published books and five E-Books – all offering solutions and techniques on championing the child within all of us. Her most recent contribution to this field is the creation of "interactive tapping", an advanced technique of the new energy therapy based on Gary Craig's Emotional Freedom Technique, EFT.
Cathryn, also a licensed counselor, uses tapping in her Life Style Coaching practice to teach clients how to neutralize disruptions which occurred in their energy system at the time of a traumatic incident. Taylor explains, "What happens is that a part of our psyche goes into an emotional spasm and it keeps firing off until the original energy disruption is corrected and resolved. If the incident is related to a childhood wound then that incident or audi experience is triggered, as well, and must be addressed.
To celebrate this 20 Year Celebration, Cathryn is offering a 20-Week package in which she is bringing the Inner Child Workbook into the 21st Century. Each week she will take a chapter in the original workbook and integrate it with her latest written material, her audio and video recordings and offer EFT Sequences which enhance the original exercises. It is truly the next generation of the Inner Child Workbook.
For More information visit or call 612-710-7720.
Cathryn Taylor is licensed in the state of California since 1979 as a Marriage and Family Therapist. She is certified in Chemical Dependency and is now licensed in the state of Minnesota as a chevrolet n Alcohol and Drug Counselor and as a Marriage and Family Therapist. She is the author of five books including The Inner Child Workbook, which is considered a classic in the inner child field and has positioned Taylor as one of the field's leading experts. She has been conducting workshops, lectures and classes for the past twenty-six years and has a private practice in Minneapolis Minnesota and San Rafael, California.
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